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Fantastic Banana Cake


Best way to use over ripe bananas ...

Pre heated oven at 150 degrees C Fan or 170 degrees if not fan oven.

You will need 2 or 3 bananas. (mashed), 1 egg (mixed), 125g oil/butter , 150g castor sugar, 190 SR Flour (Plain Flour and baking powder), 60 ml milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla essence.

Put butter, caster sugar and vanilla essence in a saucepan over medium heat and melt until sugar is disolved. Take saucepan off the heat. Add the mashed bananas, then add the egg, Then add flour a bit at a time, stirring to combine until all the flour is added. Stir in milk,.

Pour mixture into either two 1lb loaf tins or one 2lb loaf tin (must be lined).

Bake for 35 mins or until skewer comes out clean.

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Did you know you can put bananas in the fridge (sometimes!!)



Claire's cake was too delicious ... by the time we'd thought to take a picture, we'd eaten most of it :-)

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